Message from the President, Ate Ruth S. Callanta


ateruth.pngSince the beginning, CCT has anchored its work of transformation on Isaiah 65:17-25.

As we press on toward New Heavens and a New Earth, we rely on the Holy Spirit to empower us with a persevering, courageous, and conquering faith. This blessed hope encourages us in our everyday choice to journey with Him and the people, we serve in building Christ-centered faith communities.

30 years have passed since CCT was born and by God’s grace we have witnessed the rising of faith communities led by committed ministry workers and servant leaders with an extraordinary passion for the Filipino poor. Lives are continually being transformed as relationships with the Lord are strengthened through intentional discipleship. We have seen community partners grow in their faith in God, grow mature in their Christian character, and develop compassion for lost souls. Community servant leaders, fellowship coordinators, health volunteers, and church leaders walk alongside the CCT ministries today in bringing God’s Word to the lost.

At the center of our wholistic and proactive work among the poor, we pray that efforts will be motivated by our first love for Jesus! Yes, we will be busy with the things of the Kingdom, but we will fix our eyes and heart on the King. Our leaders, pastors, staff, volunteers, and ministry workers continue to converge deeper and greater toward making Jesus the center of our being and doing.

Thank you for journeying with us.  To God be all the glory, honor, and praise, forevermore!

